Masuk Daftar

mi mabuk bahasa Inggris

  • mi:    mi; noodle; beanpole; wolverine state; great
  • mabuk:    be drunk; besotted; boozy; brick in the hat;
  • mabuk:    be drunk; besotted; boozy; brick in the hat; bricked in the hat; bricking in the hat; drinking; drunk; drunken; fudling; getting drunk; getting looded; getting plastered; got drunk; got looded; got
  • mabuk -:    have a drop in eye
  • mi:    mi; noodle; beanpole; wolverine state; great lakes state; mi; michigan
  • agak mabuk:    had a drop too much; have a drop too much; having a drop too much; tipsy; merry; tiddled; fuddled; ebrious
  • dengan mabuk:    drunkenly; intoxicatedly; bibulously
  • hampir mabuk:    halfshot
  • karena mabuk:    drunken; stupor
  • keadaan mabuk:    drunkenness; inebriation
  • mabuk berat:    drunk hard; half seas over
  • mabuk gerak:    motion sickness
  • mabuk gunung:    altitude sickness
  • mabuk kepayang:    lovesick
  • mabuk laut:    sea sick; seasick; seasickness; airsick; carsick; air sick